The Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida

The Episcopal Church in Southwest Florida welcomes you to join us in community as we celebrate the loving, liberating, and life-giving message of Jesus Christ.

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Forming Disciples

We believe that discipleship is about forming a new way of living with Jesus. Rooted in our Baptismal Covenant, we equip and empower our congregations to love and serve all God’s people as we walk together in the Way of Love.


Developing Leaders

How is God speaking to you in your life? Jesus’ Love is deeply rooted in all of us, calling us to be a shining light for one another.  We believe in nurturing this call within every person, empowering lay and ordained leaders to consider where God is leading them to serve.  There are many ways to discover your path of service in the Diocese of Southwest Florida. We invited you to learn about opportunities like Cursillo, the School for Ministry, Vocation Information Evenings, and serving as leaders on a variety of committees and councils.


Embracing Differences

You are welcome. You are loved. No Exceptions. Join us in our mission to bring God’s healing power and reconciling love to our community by authentically honoring and embracing our differences.



Transforming Communities

We live out our call to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through ministry and outreach that makes a positive impact on the lives of our congregations and surrounding communities. Are you feeling God’s call to serve? Discover where your gifts can make the greatest impact in your community.


intergenerational Ministry

As a diocese, we walk with our youth, celebrating their spiritual gifts, and creating space where they strengthen their personal relationships with God. Our Episcopal Youth Community is a valued part of our congregational family and we nurture their relationship with Jesus through programming that spans from Sunday school to summer camp to weekend retreats, and much more.



“We are forging a new path, we are facing new challenges and we are encountering new possibilities. Now is the time for us to seriously, intentionally, proactively, and above all, prayerfully listen to what the Spirit of God is calling us to do and be in this moment of history.”

 – The Right Reverend Douglas Scharf, Sixth Bishop of Southwest Florida