Meet our Team
“One of the things that brings me the greatest joy is that our staff can have fun together. We have an amazing staff with a variety of different gifts and talents. We do the work, we have the serious conversations, but we also love to laugh together and simply be in each other’s company.” – Bishop Douglas Scharf

We love working together…
“I love working at our office because we have some of the most exceptional people that I have worked with as a clergy person in my 31 years. We have a laugh together, we support each other in hard times, and we’re able to take constructive feedback and grow with each other because we’re sharing in the Gospel.”
The Rev. Canon Richard Norman, Canon to the Ordinary and Chief of Staff
Meet the Diocese of Southwest Florida

Ms. Wendy Martucci
Executive Assistant to the Bishop and Diocesan Administrator
Contact Wendy concerning general questions to the bishop, and information regarding Diocesan Convention.
Email Wendy

The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
Canon to the Ordinary and Chief of Staff
(941) 556-0315, Ext. 978
Email Richard

Mrs. Beth Gentry Gould
Executive Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary
Contact Beth with questions concerning Safeguarding, clergy and lay licensing and delegates to Diocesan Convention.
(941) 556-0315, Ext. 983
Email Beth

Mrs. Angie Ford
Contact Angie with questions concerning events and programming.
(941) 556-0315
Email Angie

Mrs. Jerry Buss
Diocesan Controller
Contact Jerry concerning questions about your benefits and the apportionment schedule.
(941) 556-0315, ext. 981
Email Jerry

Mr. John Edgar
Director of Congregation Support
Contact John with questions about Parochial Reports and the annual audit reports.
941-556-0315 ext 984
Email John

Mrs. Lindsey Nickel Moore
Director of Communications
Contact Lindsey with questions regarding Diocesan Communications, Bridges, and the website.
(941) 556-0315 ext 979
Email Lindsey

Mrs. Michelle Mercurio
Administrative Assistant
Contact Michelle with questions concerning youth programs, School for Ministry and the Episcopal Charities Fund.
941-556-0315 ext 977
Email Michelle

The Rev. Scott Nonken
Dean, School for Ministry & University of South Florida Chaplain
Email Scott

The Rev. Alexander Andujar
Diocesan Coordinator for Hispanic & Latino Formation
Email Father Alexander

Mrs. Melissa Rau
Interim Coordinator for Programming and Formation
Contact Melissa with questions concerning diocesan programs including Water and the Word.
Email Melissa