Resource Library
Welcome to the Resource Library for the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Here you can search for resources through the search bar and by topic below.

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Administration & Finance
Get help with administration and finance topics in your church and within the diocese. This includes employment benefits, the Diocesan Endowment Management Program, Parochial Reports, Audits, Safeguarding, and more.
Find resources for clergy (active or retired) in the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Topics include clergy benefits, the discernment and search processes, tax resources, and the ministry of deacons.
Learn about how to communicate the mission and ministries of your congregation and access recent communications from the Diocese of Southwest Florida.
Congregation Vitality
Access resources that help your church plan for the future and build healthy, strong congregations. Topics include Episcopal visitation, demographic research, stewardship, and more.
Find information about the governance practices and current leadership of the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Topics include Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, the Constitution and Canons, and more.
Mission & Ministry
Learn more about the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Topics include lay ministry and licensing, DaySpring, and Episcopal Charities.