Welcome to The Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida
We are a diverse diocese with a variety of gifts, who are one in Christ – one Body with one Mission serving one Lord in the power of one Spirit.

What is the Episcopal Church?
There is a great breadth of diversity in the Episcopal Church: congregations and congregants can be Anglo-Catholic, evangelical, charismatic, conservative, or progressive, and very often a mix of all of the above.
As Episcopalians, we believe in and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.
We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.
The Episcopal Church embraces a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being, regardless of race, or ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. Laypeople and clergy work together in leadership and governance.
Our Ministries And Programs
Our History
The explosive growth of the State of Florida in the post-World War II years led to the creation of the Diocese of Southwest Florida. The Episcopal Diocese of South Florida established more than 40 missions in the 1960s and it became clear that South Florida would need to be divided in order to better serve its congregations.
The General Convention of the Episcopal Church met in Detroit in September of 1969. That Convention approved a plan to divide the Diocese of South Florida. Three “Archdeaconries” were established, according to the intended boundaries of each new Diocese. The same Convention gave permission for the Diocese to elect two Suffragan Bishops.
The two elected were the Rev. James L. Duncan, rector of St. Peter’s Church, St. Petersburg and the Rev. Canon William L. Hargrave, Canon to the Ordinary. Bishop Hargrave was given oversight of the Gulf Coast Archdeaconry, which would soon become the Diocese of Southwest Florida.
The Primary Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida was held at the Bath Club, North Redington Beach, Florida October 16, 1969. Bishop Hargrave was elected Diocesan Bishop on the first ballot. He announced that St. Peter’s Church, St. Petersburg would be the new cathedral.
William Loftin Hargrave
First Bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida
Emerson Paul Haynes
Second Bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida
Rogers Sanders Harris
Third Bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida
John Bailey Lipscomb
Fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida
Dabney Tyler Smith
Fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida
2007-December 10, 2022
How can we help?
Want to learn more about us or need help getting connected in Southwest Florida? Reach out to our team.