This is a collection of documents and resources for clergy and parish administrators from the Office of the Bishop and the Canon to the Ordinary.

Office of the Bishop
Wendy Martucci
Diocesan Administrator
Executive Assistant to the Bishop
[email protected]
To send a secure email: CLICK HERE
Office of the Canon to the Ordinary
Beth Gentry-Gould
Executive Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary
[email protected]
Bishop's Sunday Visitations
According to the Canons of The Episcopal Church, bishops should visit each congregation at least once every three years.
Please complete the VISITATION FORM at least 3 weeks prior to the Bishop’s visit. Certificates will be prepared by the Bishop’s office and brought to the church on the visiting Sunday.
Once your draft bulletin is complete, please email a copy to [email protected] for the Bishop’s review
Book the Bishop
CLICK HERE to Book the Bishop. This is for special events and celebrations that you would like to invite the Bishop, either as a guest or as a participant.
Eucharistic Minister and Visitor Applications
CLICK HERE to apply for Eucharistic Ministers and Visitor licenses. The link will allow you to apply for up to 10 EM and 10 EV at a time.
Marital Judgement
Clergy Canonically Resident in the Diocese of Southwest Florida: CLICK HERE for the Application for Marital Judgement Form. Once complete, email all applicable documentation to Office of the Bishop, [email protected]
Clergy Canonically Resident in another Diocese, seeking to perform a wedding in SWFL: CLICK HERE for Application to Officiate in SWFL
Clergy Licensing
The Diocese of SWFL licenses clergy for 5 years. Clergy license expiration dates coincide with the expiration of the required background check. Every 5 years, clergy are contacted to renew their background checks. At the same time, the extra-canonical provisions of up-to-date Safeguarding and Anti Racism training are verified. After satisfaction of these requirements, the license renewals are reviewed by the Bishop.
Clergy from outside the diocese who are interested in seeking a ministry license within SWFL are invited to reach out to the Office of the Canon to the Ordinary for more information: [email protected].
Supply Clergy List
Click HERE for the latest Supply Clergy List with rates.
Safeguarding God's Children
Race and Reconciliation Training
Lay and ordained leadership of the diocese, including all ordained persons, church and diocesan staff, vestries, and those elected or appointed to positions of leadership on committees, commissions, agencies and boards shall participate in said anti-racism training according to diocesan policy. Trainings are conducted by the Race and Reconciliation committee multiple times throughout the year – some in person and some via Zoom. Information on upcoming trainings is shared through the BRIDGES newsletter, or reach out to the diocesan office at 941-556-0315.
Clergy from Outside SWFL Requesting to Officiate
CLICK HERE to request permission to officiate a baptism, funeral, or wedding in the Diocese of Southwest Florida
Diocesan Annual Convention
CLICK HERE to be redirected to the Convention Website.