Bishop’s Appeal
This year, through your support and donations, the Bishop’s Appeal funded 17 outreach programs through the Episcopal Charities Fund to serve communities across the diocese. Bishop’s Appeal also assists DaySpring with additional funds for their capital improvements, helping to share the ministry of Jesus with 38,000 people each year.

Building a New Way of Love
More than a decade ago the Diocese of Southwest Florida had the idea to launch a Bishop’s Appeal to create an ever-growing endowment that operates in perpetuity to alleviate human needs across Southwest Florida. During this time, we also wanted to build for the future of our diocese, by establishing an endowment to support the long-term care and capital improvements for DaySpring Conference Center. Gifts can be given to either ministry or split between both.

Stewards of Gifts
The Episcopal Charities Fund of Southwest Florida has just over $1 million in assets and supports and nurtures the unique ministries of our 77 congregations. Each year upwards of 20 charitable agencies are selected as recipients of the fund, further expanding our network of outreach ministries and creating a stronger and more loving future.

DaySpring Endowment Fund
DaySpring Endowment Fund looks outward towards our community and beyond. In the midst of an ever-expanding city, DaySpring – our 97-acre oasis on the Manatee River – remains a sacred natural environment that supports diverse wildlife, existing as a haven that serves not only our diocesan community, but dozens of charitable agencies and programs dedicated to providing help for children and families. We provide affordable access to more than 5,000 youth each year for programs that support Christian education, mental health initiatives, cancer survival, interscholastic athletics, and handicap-accessible adventure: vital services which work to promote and improve wellness for body, mind, and spirit. The DaySpring Endowment Fund enhances DaySpring for future generations by supporting essential maintenance.

Easy, Safe Online Donation
We invite you to consider supporting our efforts for 2024 by making a donation to the Bishop’s Appeal this Advent season. We are all the oil of gladness that keeps Christ’s light glowing in our communities.
For each Episcopal Charities donation made, a 10 percent tithe of the gift is distributed in the current year. At mid-summer, parish ministries across the diocese can apply for grants. Each August, the Council of Deacons reviews the applications and makes recommendations for funding, which are announced just before Annual Convention in October.
Want more Information?
For questions about the Bishop’s Appeal, contact Wendy Martucci, Executive Assistant to the Bishop at 941-551-0351.
To Learn More about the Episcopal Charity Fund click here.