clergy accountability

Any person may contact the Intake Officer to report concerns about the behavior of a member of the clergy, including priests, deacons, bishops. This initiates a process regarding clergy accountability. Clergy are required to report to the Intake Officer anything that may constitute an offense and to cooperate with the clergy disciplinary process.

The Episcopal Church takes seriously its responsibility regarding Ecclesiastical Discipline, and has a section of its canons, or rules, that govern the process by which clergy are disciplined. The section, entitled Canon IV, relates to Accountability and Ecclesiastical Discipline. If you have concerns about the conduct of any clergy:

Contact the Rev. Peter Lane at 727-332-1249 or send him a secured, encrypted email.

The General Convention, meeting in Austin, Texas in 2018, extended the Canon IV Statute of Limitations matters relating to clergy sexual misconduct. Click HERE for more information.

Report a Concern

Send a secured, encrypted intake email to the intake officer.

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