A Sacred Partnership

Within the realm of worship, the Altar Guild holds a special and reverent position. As liturgical partners to the priest, they play a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless flow of the parish’s worship life. They are the hands that make every moment of devotion possible.

Guided by Purpose

The selection of Altar Guild members is a thoughtful process, guided by the invitation of the rector and the guild. Those who serve within this ministry do so willingly, recognizing that their offering of time and talents is a gift to God. Each task they undertake is a testament of love, carried out in the name of Christ.

Crafting Spaces of Worship

The devotion of the Altar Guild extends beyond mere preparation; it’s about crafting spaces of profound reverence. Through meticulous attention to detail, they create an environment where worshipers can connect with the divine in an atmosphere of tranquility and beauty.

An Act of Love

For the members of the Altar Guild, their work transcends duty—it’s a ministry of love. Each gesture, each arrangement, and each moment of service is an expression of devotion to God and the congregation. Through their actions, they embody the very essence of Christ’s teachings.

Joining the Ministry

If you’re drawn to this sacred service and feel called to nurture the spirit of worship through your hands and heart, we invite you to explore the possibility of joining the Altar Guild. Embrace the opportunity to contribute to the beauty and sanctity of our worship spaces, becoming an integral part of our community’s spiritual journey.

The Diocesan Altar Guild is an organization serving all the altar guilds of all the churches within the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Membership dues are $20 per year for a Parish and $10 per year for a Mission.

Membership in the DAG includes a subscription to our quarterly newsletter, the Altargram. The DAG’s annual meeting in March of each year always includes a short business meeting, a program of interest to altar guild members, Holy Eucharist, and lunch.

More Information

  • What kind of work do you do?

    • Our work begins with supporting the Bishop and providing for Diocesan Eucharists.
    • The DAG provides weekly altar guild service to St. Thomas Chapel at DaySpring, and assists with the purchase of supplies and/or improvements to its sacristy.
    • We are also available to any church to work with your rector and altar guild to help you craft your spaces of worship.
    • If you need to order new vestments or paraments for your sanctuary, we can help you find good sources.
    • If you need altar linens, such as purificators, corporals, fair linens, etc., we know lots of resources.
    • Should you want to make any of these special pieces yourself, we can help you locate fabrics and patterns.
    • Representatives from the DAG can come to you and do a workshop in your church or sacristy — anything from care of linens to proper candle care or basic altar guild techniques.
    • If your sacristy needs a good housecleaning of old things, we can help you find new homes for some, or provide information on how to restore or refinish others.
    • We sponsor the “Free Market” at Diocesan Convention to find a new home for gently used items you no longer use but that someone else needs.
    • We have lots of practical suggestions for laundry and ironing of linens, and for polishing brass and silver.
    • We can help arrange for Flower Guild workshops within the Diocese.
    • Most of all, we love to share this most special ministry that is all done to the glory of God.
  • Who should I contact if I'm interested in learning more?

    • Peggy Curlin, Treasurer and Editor of Altargram
    • Sarah Hill, President-North
  • Are there additional resources I can see?