The Diocese of Southwest Florida seeks nominees for the election of Diocesan offices at the Convention scheduled for October 11-12, 2024. Elections are held during the Saturday business session on October 12, 2024.
The offices open for election at Convention, the number of positions with each election (clergy and lay), and their descriptions can be found below.
The deadline for submitting nominations to appear in the Annual Convention booklet is Friday, August 2, 2024.
Candidates for office may nominate themselves. Lay nominees must be at least 16 years of age and their name must be duly enrolled in the register of their congregation, they must be regular in attendance at divine services and make stated contributions of record to the general support of the congregation. (Canon VII, 3 a.).
Below are the offices that are open for election at Convention. We have indicated the number of positions with each election and whether the slots are for the laity, for the clergy, or for presbyters only.
- ELECTION A BALLOT: Standing Committee, Presbyter: Elect two (2). Elect two (2) Presbyters to a three-year term.
- ELECTION B BALLOT: Standing Committee, Lay: Elect one (1). Elect one (1) Lay Elector to a three-year term.
- ELECTION C BALLOT: Diocesan Council, Presbyter: Elect one (1). Elect one (1) Presbyter to a 2-year term.
- ELECTION D BALLOT: Ecclesiastical Disciplinary Board, Lay: Elect One (1). Elect one (1) Lay Person to a three-year term.
- ELECTION E BALLOT: Ecclesiastical Disciplinary Board, Clergy: Elect One (1). Elect one (1) Clergy Person to a three-year term.