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Dismantling/Antiracism Training

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Lay and ordained leadership of the diocese, including all ordained persons, church and diocesan staff, vestries, and those elected or appointed to positions of leadership on committees, commissions, agencies and boards shall participate in said anti-racism training according to diocesan policy. Trainings are conducted by the Race and Reconciliation committee multiple times throughout the year – some in person and some via Zoom. Information on upcoming trainings is shared through the BRIDGES newsletter, or reach out to the diocesan office at 941-556-0315.


The goals for this training were laid out by The Episcopal Church following General Convention Resolution B049 in 2000 which requires training for clergy and lay on this important topic. These goals include:

  • Understanding that the largest challenge in eliminating racism rests in the largely unconscious systemic (including cultural) and institutional practices that reflect historic racially biased assumptions;
  • Recognizing and addressing our personal racist tendencies and actions;
  • Equipping participants so they can begin to help others to eliminate racism and bring about racial healing;
  • Beginning the work to make institutions/systems (cultures) less racist.

Our diocesan training includes a framework for brave group dialogue, an overview of The Episcopal Church’s rationale for addressing racial injustice, a strong grounding in scripture and church tradition, and an overview of notable historical events in America. It will also include short lessons on bias, how privilege works, and how familiar systems function with inherent racism, and an overview of The Episcopal Church’s intention for Becoming Beloved Community. Interspersed with lectures, short clips, and discussion are small group dialogue opportunities where participants share their learning and commit to taking that learning out into the world as Christian witness.



Last Updated: 5-22-24