Resources for Outreach Ministries

“For more than a decade, these two funds have provided financial resources that have been used to support a wide variety of congregational outreach ministries as well as to ensure the long-term growth and viability of DaySpring. This past year, the projects funded by Episcopal Charities grants included feeding ministries, community gardens, after school programs, laundry services for those in need, and so much more. The impact of these outreach initiatives quite literally reached from the northernmost part of our diocese in Brooksville to our southernmost region on Marco Island and everywhere in between. I encourage you to read the enclosed brochure to learn more about the transformational ministry that is occurring because of your generosity.” -Excerpt from Bishop Doug Scharf’s 2023 Appeal Letter.

Learn About the Bishop’s Appeal

Legacy Donors

These legacy donors to existing endowments have honored our tradition by sharing a portion of the wealth God bestowed upon them. Their gifts will enrich others’ lives for years to come.

Future gifts to Episcopal Charities will ensure that the diocese and our congregations continue their mercy in mission. Our Jubilee congregations and many others support ministries and advocacy for the poor–both in our diocese, in the Dominican Republic and throughout the world.

Children and adults will benefit from the spiritual awakening and quiet reflection possible at the diocese’s DaySpring Conference Center. Annual income from the DaySpring Endowment benefits programs and improves the quality of campus facilities.

Here are other areas which our legacy donors have chosen to support with their endowment gifts:

Congregational Support

The Flagler Fund
The Slemaker Fund

College Chaplaincy

The Keily Fund

Theological Education

The Lindsey Fund
The Evans Fund
The Greene Fund
The Mochino Fund

Bishop Discretionary Fund

The Tulane Fund

Benefit of Elderly

The Archanbault Fund
The Ross Fund


The Smith Fund


St. Bartolomew Fund


The Foster Fund
The Plumley Fund
The Slemaker Fund
The Evans Fund


The Hubbs Fund
The Johnson Fund
The Dunning Fund
The Blacktop Fund
The Leach Fund

Donate Now

To the Episcopal Charities Endowment Fund or DaySpring Endowment Fund, or in any way that you feel called to leave a legacy.

  • Donate to the current year Bishop’s Appeal
  • For details on the logistics of financial gifts contact: Mike Booher, Chief Financial Officer
  • Questions? Talk to The Rev. Canon Chris Gray, Canon for Development
